About a month ago a guy named Joel Marion contacted me on Twitter. I guess I’m out of the loop sometimes but I had never heard of him.

I guess he’s “kind of a big deal” in the weight loss industry. He won the Body For Life transformation contest in 2001. At the age of 19 he was already getting published on sites like T-nation and magazines like Men’s Fitness.

He gave me a ring and wanted to tell me about his new program called, Cheat You Way Thin. Right away I was a little turned off by the name. The dudes I usually talk to online aren’t really concerned about being thin, in fact that’s probably our worst nightmare.

I had my guard up big time. After he started explaining to me that it had to do with cheat days and not cheating all the time, I thought okay, that’s nothing new. Sure there’s a physiological benefit to taking a break from healthy eating to help keep on you track right?

Well Joel started explaining that there’s much more to it than that. There’s a reason your body needs to cheat in order to keep burning fat. It has to do with a recently discovered hormone called Leptin.


I’m not the science guy. I set up an interview. Luke Allison of CriticalBench.com interviews Joel about his new program. Luke was skeptical going into this as well, but listen for yourself, I think Joel is pretty convincing in his argument.

Be sure to leave a comment below and let me know what you think. He’s promoting a discount price which is over now, but still want to what everyone thinks of ths.

Click the link below to read Joel’s story of how he was a personal trainer that kept screwing up his healthy eating habits by eating pizza with his roommates and going to party with a buffet and it actually helped him burn more fat!

http://www.ICanEatWhateverIWant.com ———- <<<<<<<< Click Here

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