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Jump Rope & Follow Along Workout Videos

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The Total Body Jump Rope Workout Series

4 Workouts

Jumping rope is a tried and true method for improving conditioning, coordination and is a super effective way to burn calories. Many high-level athletes implement skipping rope into their training regimens: boxers, basketball players, MMA fighters and track & field competitors.

In this Jump Rope Workout program, you are provided with fun routines to get into shape quickly.

Here's what is included:

New to Skipping Rope Workout

You will hit the ground running with this introductory workout. This routine provides 3 entry level jump rope circuits including double hops mixed with some basic bodyweight exercises. You will get plenty of rest and repetition in this fun workout.

Fast & Furious Workout

If you’re after some great conditioning, this is the jump rope workout for you! The F&F routine provides 3 heart racing circuits with many variations of skipping rope. Plus, it adds a finisher at the end to put an exclamation on this HIIT style workout.

Total Body Workout

A full body workout that will challenge every muscle from your head to your toes! This routine mixes challenging bodyweight exercises with multiple types of jump rope drills. Be sure to do the pre and post workout stretches to help the entire body perform at its best.

Double Time Workout

For the more advanced athlete, this double time workout raises the bar with some of the most challenging jump rope drills combined with more advanced bodyweight exercises. If you’re looking to improve endurance and stamina while burning fat, this routine is for you!

Shoulder Boulder Workout

This workout specifically targets the shoulder muscles. The anterior, medial and posterior parts of the deltoids or shoulders. The 6 exercises in this routine are broken up into 3 supersets. It’s recommended to do 3 sets of each superset, stay between 8-12 repetitions for each exercise and rest 45 seconds between sets.

Customer Reviews

Two 5 star ratings
5 star rating
Great for Beginners

Reviewed in the United States on August 1, 2020

The universe must have been listening to me. In this plan where I have to do cardio every alternate alternate day of exercise, I thought jump rope would be good. But some day I will exhaust the 30 minute jump rope dudes workouts, but now there are so more . This Introduction to new jumpers is a good one. It has ample rest but gets your heart going too. I am not used to so much rest but used it when I needed it and moved the other times. Loved the stretches, especially the knee pull ups. Alternate legs was fun like play. Looking forward to the fast and the furious.

Michelle O'Johnson
5 star rating
Works Great for Beginners Too

Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2020

I'm a bit overweight and wasn't sure if I could do these workouts. Coach Brian made it so that you can start slow and make it harder if you need to. Helps me move and burn a ton of calories. I like that you have moves mixed in that are bodyweight as well. I like it a lot. I like it.

Regular Price $20

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