An Interrogation With The “Mad Scientist” Nick Nilsson!
Interviewed by Mike Westerdal of


I asked Nick every question I could think of when it comes to ab training!

Here are some highlights:

  • How important is nutrition when it comes to revealing your abs?
  • At what body fat percentage do the abs really start to show?
  • The biggest mistake people make when trying to get abs.
  • Why cardio isn’t as important as you think!
  • Is it possible to overtrain the abs?
  • How many exercises, sets and reps to use.
  • Why ab classes and DVDs are a waste of time!
  • Best 3 Ab Exercises
  • Are there any legit ab gadgets?

Right Click To Download

Go check out Nick Nilsson’s top selling eBook, “The Best Abdominal Exercises You’ve Never Heard Of.” There are 5 free killer exercises at the page above that Nick shares free of charge just as a sample of his book. Go know, it will open in a new window so you can continue listening to the interview.
