Here is how this system for building wildly aggressive, hard core, functional strength and conditioning works:

First, if you haven’t already begun building your arsenal of “odd objects”, you can get started quickly with the information I’ll share with you later about creating your own homemade equipment… fast and cheap!

Next, is designing your training plan.

1. We build Hybrid Strongman strength in four week cycles.

Week one is dedicated to HIGH VOLUME and HIGH INTENSITY work.

Week two is dedicated to MODERATE VOLUME and HIGHER INTENSITY work.

Week three is dedicated to LOW VOLUME and SUPER HIGH INTENSITY work.

Week four is dedicated to what we call The De-Load for muscle growth and recovery.

I’ve used this training cycle for myself and my athletes for the past three years with incredible results.

This simple cycling of training parameters literally turns boys into men!

As you can see from this page taken straight out of my personal training diary…

2. We structure our workouts with descending neuromuscular complexity

Because our system is HYBRID, we ensure to honor multiple strength qualities and training modalities in every workout.

The first exercise has to be the most “Hardcore” to build function and power, so we begin with our Strongman movement.

The following “Assistance” exercise is designed to support maximal strength in the Strongman movement.

The final set of “Accessory” movements are bodybuilding exercises used to build up lagging weaknesses and to add muscle mass.

The following is an example from my training diary also…

With the two principles above you have the foundation for building Hardcore Hybrid Strength for yourself or your clients, but…

What if I made my entire Hardcore Hybrid Strongman training diary available to you to use and follow as if it were your own? Well that’s exactly what I’ve done. Check it out.

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Guest article by Pro Strongman Competitor Elliott Hulse