For most guys, shedding unwanted body fat is a persistently difficult task.
And while there is no shortage of fat loss diets and programs, few of them seem to work as promised.
However, few fitness professionals know and understand the dynamics of fat loss better than John Romaniello, the well-known fitness author, expert and founder of Roman Fitness Systems.
Based in New York City, John has worked with clients of all kinds and is regarded as one of the premier body transformation specialists in the fitness industry.
For his latest effort–Fat Loss Forever–John has teamed up with Dan Go, an internationally-renowned fitness boot camp instructor and real-world fat loss expert.
The basic premise of FLF is that many of the supposed experts are either using the wrong approach to fat loss or they are touting a strategy that only works for those who are overly or morbidly obese.
For example, the metabolism of the very obese man functions very differently from the one in the guy who just needs to shed a few pounds of excess fat. So what works to shed fat in the very large guy will not be effective in ‘not-so-fat’ guy.
The fact that they have built-in, self-sabotaging ‘guilt triggers’ is another reason that John and Dan say many other fat loss programs miss the mark.
FLF is a breakthrough program that overcomes those inherent and takes an entirely different approach to fat loss.
Let’s take a look at the program and see what it’s all about.
Review of Fat Loss Forever
First, let me start by saying that Fat Loss Forever is not just another ‘fat loss’ book.
In fact, it’s not a book at all but a complete program that includes a nutrition manual, training manual, diet calendar, food guide and grocery list, supplementation guide and a complete set of workouts, all of which total 10 volumes.
Of these, the Nutrition Guide is really the heart of the program because it really all starts there. If you don’t have the proper nutritional foundation, you’ll never achieve your fitness goals, whether it’s shedding fat, gaining lean mass, or both.
Strategic Fasting Boosts Anabolic Hormones!
FLF is presented as a 12-week program that John and Dan say is intended to do two things:
1) help you burn fat faster than ever before; and
2) help you maintain your results throughout your entire lifetime.
That second point is important because studies show that the overwhelming majority of people who lose weight or fat end up putting it back on over time.
This is because most diet or fat loss programs are only geared towards short term results. They don’t really care what happens to you in the long-run.
The Nutrition Guide opens with a brief introduction and discussion about the basic problem with most diet approaches, which is that they focus on the symptoms, not the systems.
Focusing on the symptoms is like treating a headache (the symptom) by taking aspirin, when in reality the cause (system) of the headache is the fact that you’re hitting yourself in the head with a hammer. In other words, treat the system (the hammer hitting you in the head) and you eliminate the symptom (headache).
A concept known as Intermittent Fasting is the core component and underlying foundation of the FLF approach to nutrition and fat loss.
Intermittent Fasting is defined as strategically alternating periods of not eating (fasting) with times where you are allowed to eat (feeding period).
FLF includes varying levels of fasting, depending on where you are in the program. While Intermittent Fasting may sound unpleasant, it really does produce remarkable results.
It does so because it stimulates the production of powerful fat-burning hormones—including muscle building Growth Hormone—while simultaneously suppressing the fat-producing hormones.
The rest of the Fat Loss Forever Nutrition Guide outlines the various approaches to Intermittent Fasting that you can utilize to achieve your fat loss and muscle-building goals.
The book also includes a section that helps you determine the appropriate levels of macronutrients (protein, carbs and fats) that you should be consuming every day.
It also includes a brief section on pre- and post-workout supplementation and some tips about organization and water intake.
The Food Guide and Grocery List and Diet Calendar provide all the support you need to carry out the nutritional component of the FLF program.
The Training Manual presents four different training modalities: 5-4-3 Dynamic, Growth Hormone Surge, Density-Based and Complexes.
Each of these focuses on a targeted approach towards burning fat, increasing strength and gaining muscle. The Training Guide provides the overall direction of each modality, with each being supported by a specific workout guide.
I’m happy to say that John and Dan have put together an excellent program that presents a solid foundation for effective fat loss.
The guys use a straightforward approach that’s easy to follow and not difficult to read. For anyone who has been frustrated in his efforts to shed unwanted fat, you ought to consider the FLF approach—it’s built on solid science that can deliver the desire results!

I am a 62 year old grandmother who likes to eat like I did when I was 30. I have been seeing some fat loss (dropping inches) over the last year. I live in a trailer and have very limited space for fat loss system materials or exercises but I would like to get a copy of your nutrition guide. I am especially interested in new recipe ideas. Is it available separately?