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January 23, 2025
Bodybuilding & Muscle eBook Store - Great Weight Liftng Workouts!
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The rest of this page lists eBooks and products for sale from our partner Web sites. When you click on the product description a new window will open up with additional information. Basically if it's not for sale at Critical Bench.com and it's worth having you'll find it on this page.

They are organized according to your training goal.

Adding Muscle Mass, Strength & Power


Optimum AnabolicsOptimum Anabolics Program
"Program" Your Muscles Like A Computer For Massive Muscle Gains Amazing discovery reveals the key to natural anabolic hormone "triggering".

The "Muscle Nerd", Jeff Anderson, has taken the bodybuilding world by storm with the release of his brand new program "Optimum Anabolics". Learn how this never-before-seen "programming" technique can skyrocket natural surges in testosterone and growth hormone to force your body to grow far beyond its genetic limitations.

The Optimum Anabolics Program comes complete with ebook, a daily planner laying each element out step-by-step, a software program for tracking your gains, and a few other essential tools for meeting your goals.


Muscle Gain TruthThe Truth About Building Muscle
In a bodybuilding world where intense marketing hype and exaggeration have become the norm, Sean Nalewanyj has stuck to his guns and provides his readers with a truthful and honest approach to building muscle and gaining strength. "The Truth About Building Muscle" is a complete step-by-step muscle-building system that is jam-packed with valuable information, covering some extremely important topics such as workout structure, proper nutritional techniques, efficient and cost-effective supplementation, injury prevention, cardio and fat loss as well as a large handful of other useful subjects. All of this information is combined into a 250-page, picture-filled, instantly downloadable e-book.


Hyper GrowthHyper Growth Muscle Mass Training E-book by Doberman Dan
A step-by-step guide that teaches you the secrets, tips, and techniques you need to know to build a chiseled, muscular, ripped, head-turning physique...FAST! The "Hyper-Growth Muscle Mass Training" course is an extremely effective natural human growth hormone stimulator and packs on muscle mass, strength and power faster than you would've ever thought possible...while burning off body fat like crazy!

This guide covers it all, and makes it easy for you to get started building rock-solid muscle size and power while burning off ugly body fat. Written by our good friend Doberman Dan. Read all about it.


Explosive Growth SpurtsExplosive Growth Spurts by James Jordan
It's incredibly simple when you find the secrets... how to maximize gains by eating properly (without spending any time calculating complex food ratios)... and how to shock your body into a killer muscle building growth spurt, so easily and simply it's almost "un-believable".

BUT... you'll never make any progress at all using the same old un-healthy, bone headed strategies everyone else preaches that don't work for hard gainers like you. Keep reading if you're sick and tired of having such a skinny body and are ready to finally pack on muscle mass in the healthiest, quickest yet safest manner possible. Price: $37.


Truly HugeTruly Huge Bodybuilding Program
Get Huge Muscles In Six Months!!! Gain 20, 30 even 40 lbs and put on inches of powerful muscle all over your body, completely drug-free. Proven method works fast, results guaranteed!!! Valuable information for athletes, bodybuilders, weightlifters, exercise & fitness buffs, or anyone who wants to look and feel great. Visit the site for more information.



Apex muscle buildingAPEX - The Ultimate Guide to Maximum Strength, Muscle, and Fitness
Over 150 pages of the most powerful muscle building and strength increasing information there is! I challenge you to find a resource more complete and powerful. The training techniques and principles in this book will not only change your body but they will also change the way you look at strength training.


Fat Loss

Metabolic SurgeMetabolic Surge eBook
"The Metabolic Surge Rapid Fat Loss eBook by Nick Nilsson is, in my professional opinion, one of the most amazing programs I have read in recent years which reveals the secrets of how to blowtorch off bodyfat and at the same time boost strength and pack on muscle naturally. This eBook is well researched, easy to read and there is no doubt in my mind that the revolutionary diet and training espoused within will transform most anyone into the best shape of their life - Guaranteed!"

If I were allowed to use only one training program for the rest of my life, with no hesitation in my mind, this program would be it.


Fat Burning Diet PrimerThe Ultimate Fat Burning Diet Primer
The Ultimate Fat Burning Diet Primer is more than just a "primer". It tells you everything you need to know to become leaner and healthier - from goal setting to exercise and supplements, to a "diet" plan that doesn't require unbearable sacrifice and extreme discipline.

It's a "tell all" dieting ebook (what's an ebook?), that reveals weight loss secrets the dieting industry prefers you do not know. It's an easy-to-implement, light-hearted and enjoyable read, professionally formatted and designed to get you up-to-speed. Read more ...here..


Lean Muscle Mass - Bodybuilding

Burn the Fat Feed the MuscleBurn the Fat Feed the Muscle E-book by Tom Venuto
Have You seen Tom Venuto's new Fat Burning System yet? It’s called "BURN THE FAT, FEED THE MUSCLE.” I've read the whole thing (all 337 pages) and there's some great information in there about how to lose fat quickly and easily without drugs, supplements or any kind of gimmicks. I highly recommend it - it's very honest and straightforward without all the hype and b.s. you see in the magazines these days. Here's the website where you can get more information: www.burnthefat.com. Price: $39


Bottomline BodybuildingBottomline Bodybuilding Ebook by Nelson Montana
Do you want massive shoulders, huge pecs and ripped abs, reeking of power and sex appeal? For most guys, it's tough, but for a few, it's easy if you know exactly what to do. Finally, one single guide tells you the bottom line on everything you need for a perfect physique: training, diet, supplements, and steroids! And it shows you how to put it all together to quickly and safely build the thick, dense muscle mass that girls love and shred off your extra fat! Price $40 Lets get to the bottomline.


Female Bodybuilding Iron Dolls - Female Bodybuilding Secrets Revealed
Ladies, own this exclusive, comprehensive E-Book packed with inside information on how to literally transform your body in as little as 12 weeks with proven techniques and never before revealed inside information from an established top level national female bodybuilder.

you want to build a prize-winning physique, find someone who accomplished what you want to accomplish, and base your goals on that. Written by Ms. Fit, Karen Sessions.


Chemical WizardryTrain Smart Ebook by Peter Sisco
Join Over 150,000 Others Who Have Already Discovered How To Make Huge Mass and Strength Gains on EVERY Workout By Training With Scientific Precision!

Want to learn how to spark new muscle growth like never before? Or just to tone your muscles to their tight, firm best? There are simple, proven techniques that can force your body to transform itself to the farthest limit of its genetic potential…or any degree of muscular development you desire. Tone up or bulk up…it’s all done using the same basic principles. Price: $29.95 Read More...


Bodybuilding TruthBodybuilding Truth Ebook by Nelson Montana
If you really knew how to build the ultimate body in less than six months time, would you keep paying for more? More supplements? More personal training? More courses? More magazines? What if you knew the truth? What if someone blew the whistle on the con artists in the bodybuilding world and share with you the secrets for packing on thick, dense muscle - fast!

And burning off every last ounce of your bodyfat! Sounds unthinkable right? Well, the unthinkable has just happened. Price $40 Read more...


Anabolic Steroid Information

Laymans Guide to SteroidsThe Layman's Guides to Anabolic Steroids Ebook
Mick Hart's famous best selling steroid guides will teach you how to use anabolic steroids safely and effectively and get maximum gains in the shortest possible time. There is no better guide to steroid use for the beginner to intermediate user anywhere, and Mick's "No Bull" writing style means that will be highly entertained as you get educated about safe and effective steroid use. Without question the most useful steroid guides ever published. Price $29. Tell me more.


Steroid BibleThe Steroid Bible - Hard Copy
The Steroid Bible also contains comprehensive information on Human Growth Hormone, Insulin, Clenbuterol, and other drugs used by bodybuilders and athletes. In addition, The Steroid Bible lets you in on some of the best kept secrets in bodybuilding by allowing you to examine personal training diaries of top bodybuilders that document drugs used, training routines, diets, and results.

If you are thinking about using steroids, The Steroid Bible will allow you to make an educated decision. If you use steroids, The Steroid Bible will show you how to maximize your physique without sacrificing your long term health. If you want to get off of steroids, The Steroid Bible can help you. The Steroid Bible leaves no question unanswered. Price: $24.95 Reserve your copy.


Steroid BibleChemical Muscle Enhancement Ebook by Author L. Rea
Mr. Author L. Rea's new eBook Chemical Muscle Enhancement, or CME, is the bodybuilder's "Physician's Desk Reference." Profiling hundreds of bodybuilding drugs, many never before discussed, CME's written so that the greenest newbie or the most hardcore veteran you can apply this underground information to build a massive, lean, muscular physique.

CME is NOT a steroid picture pop-up book; rather, it's 223 pages on how you can apply bodybuilding biochemistry for building a perfect physique in the safest manner possible. Price $40 Get the facts.


Secrets to Mail Order SuccessThe Secrets Of Mail-Order Steroid Success Ebook
Available exclusively on-line, this eBook ranks and reviews all of the best domestic and international steroid sources - the ones the pros use - and explains how to use the latest internet technology to hunt down new leads - and keep out of trouble.

Filled with addresses, phone and fax numbers, and web sites where you can get what you want The Secrets Of Mail-Order Steroid Success is the only steroid-shopping guide you'll need!


Chemical WizardryChemical Wizardry Ebook by George Spellwin
Instantly access the definitive anabolic steroid and physique enhancement drug database and eBook. Guaranteed to provide you with the inside information necessary to build a perfect body.

George Spellwin's newest guide, Chemical Wizardry contains the latest inside information to make your body explode with strength, definition, and unthinkable new muscle mass. Read More...


Supplement Information

Brink's Bodybuilding RevealedBodybuilding Revealed
"Bodybuilding Revealed is a complete blue print to muscle building success. Everything you need to know about diet & muscle building nutrition, over 50 bodybuilding supplements reviewed, weight training routines, high intensity cardio, the mental edge, pre made muscle building diets and an online private members forum, diet planner, meal planner and much more. It's all in Will Brink's ultimate guide to gaining muscle mass."




Brink's Fat Loss RevealedFat Loss Revealed
"Fat Loss Revealed is the ultimate fat loss system. A complete online and offline system used by anybody who want's to attain a fantastic lean physique. A 340 page e-book with a complete fat loss diet plan, pre made diets, over 40+ fat loss supplement reviews, resistance workouts, and cardio chapters, along with motivation and goal setting and a huge online private members area and forum with a meal planner, diet planner, nutrition database and 24/7 human personal trainers."




creatine practical guideCreatine: a practical guide E-book by Franco-Obregon, PhD
A practical guide clearly explains how to create the optimal anabolic environment for muscle growth, while minimizing any adverse consequences associated with the use of creatine. Includes our exclusive creatine recipe designed to explode muscle growth. Without a doubt the last word on creatine, its benefits, side effects and limitations. Only $19.95. More information here.


Natural, Hard Gainers

Fitness and BodybuildingThe Hard Gainer Report E-Book by Greg Sushinsky
Training and nutritional information for the most neglected group of bodybuilders: drug-free hard gainers. You'll learn if you are a hard gainer and why, then we'll show you how to gain muscle and strength--even if you haven't in the past--and how to keep on gaining.

We'll show you just what exercises, workouts to use and foods to eat. We'll show you some special techniques and insights into getting maximum gains. This book is changing the way hard gainers train! Click here to read more ...


Specialization Training - Target Areas

The Best Arm ExercisesThe Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of
So what's the first thing you think of when you think of "arm training" - if you're like a lot of trainers, you immediately think barbell curls and pushdowns. Or dumbell curls and dips, etc. The "standard" exercises, right?

Well, it's time to think outside the box! Or as Nick Nilsson (the author of "The Best Arm Exercises You've Never Heard Of") puts it...time to make a NEW box and think outside of THAT one!

"The Best Arm Exercises" is a very interesting book...68 unique exercises for the bicep, triceps and forearms ONLY. This is thing has NO fluff - it's just packed with training information.


The Best Exercises You've Never Heard OfThe Best Exercises You've Never Heard Of by Nick Nilsson
What is my name? It's Nick Nilsson. Remember it for cursing when you get done with these revolutionary exercises because I guarantee you'll be sore in places you never even knew you had! And you know what? That soreness means you'll be developing muscles in those places you never even knew you had!

Imagine, gaining pounds of new muscle, simply by changing the exercises you are doing! So get your copy to today so you can begin cursing me about how sore you are. Price: $29.95 Read on my friend...



Gluteus to the MaximusGluteus to the Maximus by Nick Nilsson
"Gluteus to the Maximus" is the most comprehensive guide to building larger, firmer, rounder glutes you can get.

You will learn about a program that takes only a few minutes a day that will allow you to make continuous progress for literally months at a time. In fact, the longer you do it, the more spectacular your results will be! Most programs lose their effectiveness in a matter of weeks. Not this one. If you're crunched for time and still want fantastic results, this program is for you. This book will get you results no matter how stubborn your glutes have been in the past.
Price: $29.95 Get the rear you've been longing for...



Specialization TrainingSpecialization Training by Nick Nilsson
"Specialization Training" is all about getting results in your most stubborn bodyparts FAST!

Strength gains of up to 25% in only 4 days can be realized with the programs contained in this book. Price: $9.95 Find out what's so special about Specialized Training.



General Fitness - Getting In Shape

Fit Over 40Fit Over 40: Role Models For Excellence At Any Age!
This new e-book is already sending shock waves throughout the health and fitness world... while making a lot of anti-aging and life extension "experts" very nervous. But it’s also making a lot of people like you very happy, because we really did "crack the code" on getting in shape as fast as humanly possible.

Look: I searched for over 5 years to find the mentors to help propel me from sick and fat to healthy and fit. Now you can get all the secrets to better health and a better body – in less than 5 minutes! We’ve found all the mentors for you! Click here to read more ...


The Critical Bench Training Series

Up your max fifty pounds in ten weeksCritical Bench Program
This bench press program is a power program designed to help you increase your one rep max by an average of fifty pounds during the ten week training cycle. It is different from other programs because you are provided with the actual weights you will be using on bench day and given a full body lifting split to follow. Over 3500 powerlifters, weekend warriors, and athletes have had success with our system. Get more in depth information by clicking here. If you're ready to order now be sure you know your one rep max. You can look it up on our chart.

  Download the electronic version as a pdf. $39.99


Don't be the skinny fat guy.The Lean Mass Program
Have you ever looked in the mirror and felt both fat and skinny at the same time? You feel skinny because you want bigger muscles but when you look at your waist you wish you could take off a couple inches. That's what this program is for. Adding lean muscle mass while reducing body fat can be very tough to accomplish. This program will set you in the right direction. It's also a great maintenance program to perform after completing the bench program. Read more about the Lean Mass Program.

  Download the electronic version as a pdf. $20.


Get completely ripped and shreddedThe Critical Ripped Program
The Critical Ripped Program was designed to transform your body into a ripped chiseled and idolized physique. Everything from weight training, cardio, supplements and diet are all mapped out for you. There comes a point in time for all of us when we want to show off what we've accomplished in the gym. When you take your shirt off make sure your muscles are revealed and they aren't covered by layers of fat. This program will help you get cut up and turn heads. If you want to look good for the spring and summer you can't wait until the last minute to start preparing. For more information on this program click here.

  Download as a pdf. $37


Critical Dumbbell Routines & ExercisesCritical Dumbbell Routines
If you're a beginner to weight training and want to workout from your home this is the perfect ebook for you. All you need are a few dumbbells and this ebook will give you the dumbbell routines you need while demonstrating the exercises. Increase Your Muscle Size And Improve Your Physical Fitness In 90 Days Or You Get To Keep This Breakthrough Fitness Guide FREE!

"Dumbbell Exercises and Lifting Routines To Help You Gain More Muscle, Lose Weight, or Just Get Yourself in Better Physical Shape... WITHOUT the Hassles, and Expenses of Health Clubs"

  Download as a pdf. $29.99


faster sprintingCritical Speed Manual by Mark Strasser, MS, CSCS
Decrease Your 40 Yard Dash Time!

Have you ever been caught on the field of play by someone chasing you? Have you ever had someone run past you on the track? Have you been thrown out trying to steal a base? Have you sat on the bench because someone is faster than you? If you are interested in gaining speed and training with a World-class strength and conditioning coach, then this is the most exciting training manual you'll ever read!

It's called the Critical Speed Manual. As a strength and conditioning coach I have molded athletes from the high school level to the professional level. Athletes who have run a 5.1 in the forty-yard dash have improved their time to a 4.7 in just two weeks!

How did the athlete do it? A simple formula that anyone can easily use to increase their speed and decrease times. This new ebook reveals it all.

  Download as a pdf. $39.95


football strength programCritical Gridiron Program by Elliott Hulse, CSCS
Football Strength Training Workouts!

"Are You Ready For The Only Football Strength Training Program That Guarantees Athletes Will Gain Serious Mass, Strength & Speed?"

How much could you or your athletes benefit from a strength & conditioning program that gives you a step-by-step football training blueprint for developing superior strength and speed?

"So, how exactly do you build super STRONG and FAST football players? With the Critical Gridiron Program! Read more about this incredible football strength training workout program.

  Download as a pdf. $77


Simple Steps to Get Huge and ShreddedSimple Steps to Get Huge and Shredded
Here's how you can pack on more muscle mass, shed more body fat, and skyrocket your strength in less time. Competitive bodybuilder and Personal Trainer Shawn LeBrun offers you a step-by-step program to add muscle, lose body fat, and increase strength in all of your lifts.

Shawn is personal trainer and bodybuilder published throughout the net on various bodybuilding sites. Here he offers you a proven and powerful workout and nutrition routine you can use, regardless of whether you're a beginner or an experienced lifter looking to get the edge. "Simple Steps to Get Huge and Shredded" is a 139 page PDF "recipe" you can follow to cut out all the trial and error. More information.....

  Download as a pdf. $47.


The People Who Read These Books Will End Up With Your Muscle

The Power-Bodybuilding Portal of "The Yukon Hercules".

Dennis Weis Power Bodybuilding PortalDennis B. Weis "The Yukon Hercules"
Dennis B. Weis is a Ketchikan, Alaska-based power/bodybuilder. He is a hard-hitting, uncompromising freelance professional writer and investigative research consultant in the fields of bodybuilding, nutrition, physiology, and powerlifting.

He has become extremely popular on this site. In fact he know has an entire section showcasing his world class e-Reports, and Programs. Visit the Power-Bodybuilding Portal and you'll gain access to a few sample reports as well. We don't care what your goal is; Dennis has what you're looking for.

Look for titles such as the Special Big Arms Report, Massive Muscle Pumping, & Cinderblock Abs to name a few.

What Everybody Ought to Know....About Natural Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding for the natural bodybuilderSome of the Best Kept Natural Bodybuilding Secrets in the World
If you're not genetically gifted and you don't want to resort to steroids to get the body you want than this Natural Bodybuilding section was made for you. Some of us don't care about winning a trophy or becoming a pro bodybuilder. What we care about is being the best that we can be. Our goal is self-improvement, not a major title.

The sweat, the pump, and the feel of the iron is what we love. This section is for everyone that wants to build the most muscle in the shortest amount of time, drug free. Drug free bodybuilders have completely different needs than those who are genetically gifted or using steroids. If you're a hard gainer we urge you to check out this section.



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