Weight Lifting, Weight Training, Bench Press & Bodybuilding
February 9, 2025
The Perfect Bicep Curl
by Dennis B. Weis the Yukon Hercules

If you have been bodybuilding for any length of time then most likely you have been asked How big are your arms? The degree of arm size development that you possess seems to be a badge as to your worthiness as bodybuilder. Without question then it is important to use exercises which will stimulate the most amount of size and development in the arms in the shortest time possible.

One particular bicep exercise that will help to accomplish this is The "Perfect Curl". I learned about this exercise many years ago in a private personal training seminar conducted by the "iron guru" the late Vince Gironda.

Vince described how to do "The Perfect Curl" (or complete curl). The first part of "The Perfect Curl" (using a straight bar and a shoulder width handspacing) begins with the elbows resting on the pelvis or hip bones with the arms hanging straight and the upper torso inclined with the head and shoulders just back of the hips. This particular starting position will actively stimulate the lower insertion of the biceps as the barbell is curled upward the first 10-12 inches.

the perfect bicep curl The second part of "The Perfect Curl" kicks in as the barbell is continuing to be curled upward and the upper torso (head and shoulders) begins to travel forward to an erect (or vertical) position. This part of the curl involves the belly of the biceps.

The third part of "The Perfect Curl" concludes with the upper torso (head and shoulders) moving slightly forward from an erect (or vertical) position and the bar is curled upward to completion. When the torso is slightly forward from vertical at the completion of the upward phase of the curl it creates a maximum peak contraction in the biceps. Cramp the barbell into the top curl position and contract the biceps for all they are worth for a second and then reverse the proceedure as you lower the barbell to the starting position. This completes one rep! Each rep should take approximately 6 seconds to complete.

Always use a poundage that you can handle in the form described above, perhaps with about 60 percent of your maximum single barbell curl. Vince would suggest doing one of the following sets and reps schemes: 6 sets of 6 reps, or 8 sets of 8 reps and finally 10 sets of 10 reps. Rest-pause 20-30 seconds between each set of the chosen set and rep scheme. I assume that you are aware of the necessary training frequencies when training arms so I will not make mention of it here. Enjoy!

Build Massive ArmsSpecial Big Arms Report "Neural One-Day Blitz System"
Upper arm size and development is one of the most popular of all muscle groups among bodybuilders and weight lifters of all levels. It is no small wonder that we are constantly looking for that "secret exercise" or a "secret routine" that will increase upper arm size dramatically. Let's fact it if you have monsterous arms you demand respect. This 62 page e-report was written by bodybuilding columnist Dennis B. Weis. Get more info about the report that can add 1/2 an inch to your arms in one day.

  Download as a pdf. $20


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