Weight Lifting Max Percentage Chart
This chart is self explanatory. Some weight training workouts tell you to perform repetitions based on a percentage of your one rep max. The first thing you'll need to know if your one rep max. To find this you can either max out at the gym or use our one rep max calculator (at the bottom of the page).
Your max is simply the most weight that you can lift for one repetition.
For example lets say your max is 150 lbs. The workout you are following tells you to do three sets of eight reps using 65% of your one rep max. Instead of pulling out your calculator prior to each set, you can use this chart. Simply look up 150 pounds in the left hand column that is labeled
100% - 1RM. 1RM means; 1 rep max. Now just slide your finger over until it lines up with 65% and you'll see that you should be using 97 lbs for each set.
The chart starts with 100 lbs and goes up to 895 lbs.