Leg Exercises and Leg Exercise Videos
Select A Leg Exercise Below:
Each individual exercise
page will tell you the primary muscle trained, secondary muscles trained, equipment needed, mechanics type, and teach you proper exercise technique.
Each exercise includes pictures and a video demonstration. Refer to this exercise guide anytime you'd like to add a new exercise
to your routine or if you want to make sure you are using safe exercise technique.
Barbell Hang Clean and Press
Barbell Squat
Hang Clean
Standing Calf Raise Using Machine
Lying Leg Curls
Stiff Legged Deadlift
Hack Squat
Seated Leg Curls
Standing Leg Curls
Barbell Deadlift
Dumbbell Lunges
Seated Calf Raise Machine
Dumbbell Squat
Smith Machine Squat
Front Squat
45 Degree Leg Press
Barbell Lunges
Barbell Good Mornings
Dumbbell Step Ups
Seated Leg Press Machine
Stiff Legged Dumbbell Deadlift
Dumbbell Deadlift
Dumbbell Calf Raise
Donkey Calf Raise
Stability Ball Split Squat
Stability Ball Stationary Lunge
Stability Ball Leg Curl
Stability Ball Hip Extension For Calves
Stability Ball Hip Extensions
Stability Ball Wall Squat
Backwards Dumbbell Lunges
Kettlebell Hand-To-Hand Switch Swing
Kettlebell Squats
Kettlebell Deadlift
Kettlebell Bottoms Up Squat
Kettlebell Swing Walks
Kettlebell Snatch
Resistance Band Conventional Deadlift
Band Terminal Knee Extensions
Band X Walks
Band Leg Curls
Body Weight Abductors
Body Weight Adductors
Body Weight Lunges
Knee Jump
Calf Raises on Stairs
Leg Extensions
Trap Bar Deadlift
Wall Sits
Glute Ham Raises
Standing Barbell Calf Raises
Seated Barbell Calf Raises
One-Legged Dumbbell Calf Raises
High Bar Back Squats
Single Leg Lying Curl
Toe Press On Leg Press
Split Jumps
Sumo Upright Rows
Single Arm Dumbbell Clean & Press
Box Jumps
Push Press
Body Weight Squats
High Knee Run
Jumping Jacks
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